The Latest in Wine Tourism: Meditation and Getting Your Hands Dirty (2024)

Dr. Thomas Plante, a psychologist who also teaches at Santa Clara University and Stanford University, cautions that vineyard life can be easily romanticized. “Sometimes people forget that it is hard work, there are stressors and you can get dirty.”

Still, Plante notes that the cyclical nature of vineyard work focuses one’s attention in ways that can help them “think, meditate and solve difficult problems.”

Like sipping a glass of wine, learning the basics of vineyard life can be restorative or even meditative. That’s why wineries are offering immersive programming to help guests connect to the rhythmic nature of vineyard work, and why more wine lovers are getting their hands dirty to try to clear their minds.

Staying a few days at a working vineyard also offers an invaluable education that drives home, as Plante says, how complex it is to turn “grapes into quality wine.”

Travel and lifestyle writer Nicole Letts stayed at Jordan Vineyard & Winery’s chateau suites in 2020 and 2021. Letts feels a key benefit to extended time on vineyard property is that, without the time constraints of a typical tasting, observation and learning happens at a leisurely pace, as there is more time to talk in-depth with grape growers and hosts.

Craig Fovel, owner of The Vine on Middle Creek, a bed and breakfast and vineyard in Fredericksburg, Texas, grows Cabernet, Petit Verdot and Mourvèdre for William Chris Vineyards.

The estate offers immersive vineyard tours that are “educational at any time of year,” he says, but the meditative piece comes during harvest, when Fovel offers guests scissors or clippers to help snip clusters off the vine. After a few hours at work in the vineyard, his team prepares a big celebratory meal.

“People really relax here,” he says. “They read a book, play games and rejuvenate.”

The Gables Wine Country Inn is a bed and breakfast in Sonoma County with a guest-accessible Riesling vineyard. Like Fovel, owners Pam and Larry Willis invite guests to learn pruning techniques, assist during harvest and pour wine produced from their vineyard for guests.

“Detailing the processes of winter pruning, early spring training of the vines and de-leafing as clusters form leads to a different kind of appreciation as well as a sense of peace and calmness,” says Larry. “It brings you into the moment, and the world around you disappears into the background.”

Similarly, Lisa Sannino, owner and cofounder of Sannino Vineyard on Long Island’s North Fork, believes that people who lodge at the vineyard’s Tuscan-style suite or villa—inspired by Italy’s agriturismos, where guests stay on a working farm—become part of the family. Like Letts, she feels guests learn a great deal while on site by witnessing firsthand the day-to-day work of maintaining the vineyard. In the field, winemaker Anthony Sannino will talk guests through different pruning techniques, and how the weather impacts acidity levels, yields, and ultimately, the wines. “It’s more visual, compared to sitting in a tasting room,” says Lisa.

Staying at working vineyards also gives guests an insider’s experience of a winery’s inner workings. For instance, Fovel often brings his guests to William Chris Vineyards for a question-and-answer session with Winemaker Tony Offill.

Andres Vizcarra, winemaker at Becker Farms and Vizcarra Vineyards in Niagara County, New York, feels that onsite education also urges guests to go beyond their comfort zones, compelling them to try wines they may not consider in a traditional tasting room. Guests at Becker Farms can stay in a 375-square-foot cabin between the vineyard and orchards, and while there, they can join guided hikes and vineyard tours.

Chris Bronke, an educator and wine connoisseur, recently stayed onsite at Moshin Vineyards’ private studio. He describes the evenings as further supporting a meditative experience. “My wife and I would sit outside, no light but the stars and the moon as we sipped wine and enjoyed the complete silence. It was magical.”

Tapping into a meditative workflow not only presents the opportunity to reflect and restore, it heightens one’s attention to tasting notes and secures a new point of connection with the time, attention and labor that goes into a bottle of wine.

Plante, who also grows grapes for La Honda Winery in San Mateo County, similarly notes that learning about soil, weather and environmental factors leads to enhanced appreciation for why wine tastes as it does.

“So much TLC goes into it,” says Fovel. “And it’s an opportunity for stillness and reflection. During even a short stay, the rest of the world goes on hold.”

Last Updated: September 28, 2022

The Latest in Wine Tourism: Meditation and Getting Your Hands Dirty (2024)


What is winery etiquette? ›

It may sound obvious, but wine tasting is a sensory experience, incorporating sight, smell, and taste. For that reason, it's a general rule of wine tasting etiquette that one not wear heavy perfumes, colognes, or strongly scented body lotion to a tasting room.

What is meditation wine? ›

The word itself perfectly describes what wines for meditation are: they are particularly structured and complex wines that require time and calm to be appreciated; they are wines to be savored slowly, to which to devote the right time and attention.

What is the etiquette for spitting wine? ›

Probably it's best to practice spitting at home. Don't do it too hard or too slow, try to avoid any backsplash, and wait until there's room around the spit bucket before you take a sip of the wine, that you are going to spit out afterward.

What is a wine tasting session? ›

You may also have the opportunity to pair the wines with complementary foods, enhancing your tasting experience. Ultimately, a wine tasting is about enjoying the flavours, learning, and discovering the wines that resonate with your preferences. So, relax, savour, and let your palate lead you on a delicious adventure.

What are the 5 rules of wine? ›

5 Golden Rules For Perfect Wine pairing
  • The wine should be sweeter than the food.
  • It should have the same intensity of taste as the food.
  • Red wines go best with strong tasting meats (red meat)
  • White wines go best with low-intensity meats (fish or chicken), and so many other rules!

What are the golden rules of wine? ›

Red wines: Aim for a range of 55°F to 65°F (13°C to 18°C). Lighter reds benefit from cooler temperatures, while bolder reds thrive closer to the warmer end of the spectrum. Sparkling wine and champagne: Ideally, serve at a temperature between 38°F to 45°F (3°C to 7°C).

What is the wine 20 rule? ›

"Learn this game-changing 20/20 rule in wine. Chill your reds in the fridge 20 minutes before serving to unleash their complex flavours, while letting whites rest out of the fridge for 20 minutes to reveal their full bouquet and bright acidity."

Is it rude to not finish wine at a tasting? ›

The choice is yours. It is not disrespectful to dump the wine out, especially if you want to keep your palate clean or if you don't want to get too tipsy. But, if you like the glass they pour then go ahead and finish the whole thing! These points are mostly a matter of preference.

What not to say at a wine tasting? ›

Don't say: “Look at the legs! This must be a great wine”. This is one of the most crucial parts of wine tasting, because the aromas, perceived only through the nose, are a vital part of our appreciation of a wine. The swirl and sniff is well known.

What not to eat before wine tasting? ›

Some tasters avoid coffee and tea, which both also have a lot of tannins, before a tasting. Bitter and spicy foods can also sensitize taste buds, causing tannins or acidity to seem harsher.

What is it called when you go wine tasting? ›

Tasting flight is a term used by wine tasters to describe a selection of wines, usually between three and eight glasses, but sometimes as many as fifty, presented for the purpose of sampling and comparison.

Are you supposed to drink the wine at wine tasting? ›

More importantly, know that you don't have to drink all the wine that is poured for you – it's ok to dump the wine you don't finish or which you don't like. Pro tip: If you want to go the distance, taste the wine, swirl it in your mouth, and then spit it in a designated dump bucket or spittoon.

What is wine service etiquette? ›

Always pour from the guest's right side. Finish each pour with a twisting motion and wipe the lip of the bottle to avoid dripping. Place the bottle to the right of the host with the label facing outwards and ask permission to remove the cork from the table.

What is the dress code for a winery? ›

When in doubt on what to wear to a winery, merely remember to always dress up. Going wine tasting is a special experience some might consider a luxury. So, dress for the occasion. Definitely skip the sweat pants, but don't feel you need to put on expensive slacks or get decked out in a co*cktail dress.

What do you wear to a winery casually? ›

Option 1 | Casual – Keep it casual for your next winery visit with a pair of wide-legged ripped jeans and a stylish crop top. Add a cropped jacket for extra warmth, and accessorize with stylish jewelry and a wide-brimmed hat. You'll be comfortable and look great all day long.

What is the etiquette when someone brings a bottle of wine? ›

And typically, people bring one bottle — which is fine for a present, but may not be enough to serve the number of guests. So the answer is that you may serve it if you like, but are not obligated to do so — in which case, add to your thanks that you will look forward to enjoying it later.


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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.