O-ring 480x6 - NBR - Nitrile - 80 Shore A - Black - ORS201457 Online Shop - Worldwide shipping (2024)

O-ring 480x6 - NBR - Nitrile - 80 Shore A - Black - ORS201457 Online Shop - Worldwide shipping (1)

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O-ring 480x6 - NBR - Nitrile - 80 Shore A - Black - ORS201457 Online Shop - Worldwide shipping (2)

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O-ring 480x6 - NBR - Nitrile - 80 Shore A - Black - ORS201457 Online Shop - Worldwide shipping (3)

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O-ring 480x6 - NBR - Nitrile - 80 Shore A - Black - ORS201457 Online Shop - Worldwide shipping (15)


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ID (Inner diameter) 480 mm

CS (Cross Section) 6 mm

Material NBR - Nitrile

Hardness 80 Shore A

Color Black

Item no. 201457

Approval None

Color Black

Stock 8 sentiment_satisfied_alt

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CountryPriceTransit daysCarrier
Algeria€ 175,007 - 10FedEx: International Economy
Argentina€ 63,008 - 10FedEx: International Economy
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Korea, Democratic People's Republic of€ 40,004 - 6FedEx: International Economy
Korea, Republic of€ 40,004 - 6FedEx: International Economy
Kurwait€ 40,007 - 10FedEx: International Economy
Latvia€ 28,004 - 6GLS: Euro Business Parcel
Lithuania€ 38,004 - 6GLS: Euro Business Parcel
Luxembourg€ 13,001 - 3GLS: Euro Business Parcel
Macedonia€ 40,007 - 10FedEx: International Economy
Malaysia€ 40,005 - 7FedEx: International Economy
Malta€ 30,004 - 6GLS: Euro Business Parcel
Mexico€ 63,005 - 7FedEx: International Economy
Monaco€ 23,003 - 5FedEx: International Priority
Netherlands€ 10,001 - 3GLS: Euro Business Parcel
New Zealand€ 52,507 - 10FedEx: International Priority
Norway€ 38,002 - 4FedEx: International Priority
Oman€ 40,007 - 10FedEx: International Eoonomy
Peru€ 53,004 - 8FedEx: International Economy
Philippines€ 45,004 - 8FedEx: International Economy
Poland€ 28,003 - 5GLS: Euro Business Parcel
Portugal€ 23.004 - 6FedEx: Regional Economy
Romania€ 28,004 - 6FedEx: International Economy
Saudi Arabia€ 45,004 - 6FedEx: International Economy
Serbia and Montenegro€ 43,002 - 4FedEx: International Economy
Singapore€ 45.004 - 6FedEx: International Economy
Slovakia€ 23,004 - 6FedEx: Regional Economy
Slovenia€ 23,004 - 6FedEx: Regional Economy
Spain€ 18,005 - 7FedEx: Regional Economy
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United Arab Emirates€ 200,002 - 4FedEx: International Priority
United Kingdom€ 20,002 - 4FedEx: Regional Economy
United States€ 40,002 - 4FedEx: International Priority
Vietnam€ 45,005 - 7FedEx: International Economy
Stock Delivery time
8 Shipped in 5 - 7 - Day(s)

€10,96 Ex. VAT / per piece

€13,26 In. VAT

Price per piece

Shipped in 5 - 7 - Day(s)

This product has a minimum order Qty of 6pcs

Quantity Per piece
6+ €10,9587
In stock Yes, 8 pcs
Article number201457
Description 2O-ring 480x6 NBR - Nitrile
MaterialNBR - Nitrile
Seal typeO-ring
Alternative Size
DIN 3771 Size Chart Explanation 480x6
SMS 1586 Size chart480 x 6
Core Spec's
CS (Cross Section) Explanation 6 mm
Hardness Explanation 80 Shore A
ID (Inner diameter) Explanation 480 mm
Temperature Max135 ºC
Temperature Min-30 ºC
echnical Spec's
Compression Set11 %
Engels: Technical Specifications
Specific Gravity1,30 (+/- 0,04) g/cm3
Other Specs
Alternative namesNitrile Rubber - NBR
Chemical NameAcrylonitrile butadiene rubber
Product nameO-ring NBR - Nitrile 480x6
Trade namesLanxess - Zeon - and LG Chem
Technical Specifications
Tensile Strength14,9 MPa
Ultimate Elongation347 %

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This NBR - Nitrile O-Ring is 480x6mm and in the color Black. The Hardness of this O-ring 480x6 - NBR - Nitrile - 80 Shore A - Black - ORS201457 is 80 Shore A.The alternative names of the compound are Nitrile Rubber - NBR and they are mostly produced by Lanxess - Zeon - and LG Chem. The O-ring is commonly used in and has an operating temperature range from -30 ºC to 135 ºC. O-rings 14808 are indicated as 201457 and have a DIN 3771 Size of 480x6. This item is equal to and has an None Approval. The chemical name of this Oring is Acrylonitrile butadiene rubber.

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This product has a minimum order Qty of 6pcs

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O-ring 480x6 - NBR - Nitrile - 80 Shore A - Black - ORS201457 Online Shop - Worldwide shipping (2024)


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