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home navigate_next FKM - FPM - Viton O-Rings navigate_next FKM O-Rings - 80 Shore A navigate_next O-ring 480x6.99 - FKM - FPM - Viton - 80 Shore A - Black - ORS144887
home navigate_next FKM - FPM - Viton O-Rings navigate_next FKM O-Rings - 80 Shore A navigate_next O-ring 480x6.99 - FKM - FPM - Viton - 80 Shore A - Black - ORS144887
ID (Inner diameter) 480 mm
CS (Cross Section) 6.99 mm
Material FKM - FPM - Viton
Hardness 80 Shore A
Color Black
Item no. 144887
Approval None
Color Black
Stock 83 sentiment_satisfied_alt
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What are the shipment terms to my country?
Country | Price | Transit days | Carrier |
Algeria | € 175,00 | 7 - 10 | FedEx: International Economy |
Argentina | € 63,00 | 8 - 10 | FedEx: International Economy |
Australia | € 45,00 | 8 - 10 | FedEx: International Priority |
Austria | € 15,00 | 4 - 6 | GLS: Euro Business Parcel |
Belgium | € 10,00 | 1 - 3 | GLS: Euro Business Parcel |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | € 43,00 | 4 - 6 | FedEx: International Priority |
Brazil | € 55,00 | 4 - 6 | FedEx: International Priority |
Bulgaria | € 22,50 | 6 - 8 | FedEx: International Economy |
Canada | € 45,00 | 2 - 4 | FedEx: International Priority |
China | € 38,00 | 2 - 4 | FedEx: International Economy |
Croatia | € 30,00 | 7 - 10 | FedEx: International Economy |
Cyprus | € 28,00 | 3 - 5 | GLS: Euro Business Parcel |
Czech Republic | € 20,00 | 3 - 5 | FedEx: International Priority |
Denmark | € 13,00 | 2 - 4 | GLS: Euro Business Parcel |
Egypt | € 175,00 | 7 - 10 | FedEx: Regional Economy |
Estonia | € 20,00 | 4 - 6 | FedEx: Regional Economy |
Finland | € 20,00 | 5 - 7 | FedEx: Regional Economy |
France | € 10,00 | 2 - 4 | GLS: Euro Business Parcel |
French Polynesia | € 70,00 | 6 - 8 | FedEx: International Priority |
Germany | € 10,00 | 1 - 3 | GLS: Euro Business Parcel |
Ghana | € 70,00 | 7 - 10 | FedEx: Regional Economy |
Greece | € 25,00 | 4 - 6 | FedEx: Regional Economy |
Hungary | € 23,00 | 1 - 3 | FedEx: Regional Economy |
Iceland | € 43,00 | 7 - 10 | FedEx: International Priority |
India | € 190,00 | 5 - 7 | FedEx: International Priority |
Indonesia | € 45,00 | 5 - 7 | FedEx: International Priority |
Ireland | € 18,00 | 3 - 5 | FedEx: Regional Economy |
Israel | € 70,00 | 3 - 7 | FedEx: International Economy |
Italy | € 20,00 | 1 - 3 | FedEx: International Priority |
Japan | € 40,00 | 4 - 6 | FedEx: International Economy |
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | € 40,00 | 4 - 6 | FedEx: International Economy |
Korea, Republic of | € 40,00 | 4 - 6 | FedEx: International Economy |
Kurwait | € 40,00 | 7 - 10 | FedEx: International Economy |
Latvia | € 28,00 | 4 - 6 | GLS: Euro Business Parcel |
Lithuania | € 38,00 | 4 - 6 | GLS: Euro Business Parcel |
Luxembourg | € 13,00 | 1 - 3 | GLS: Euro Business Parcel |
Macedonia | € 40,00 | 7 - 10 | FedEx: International Economy |
Malaysia | € 40,00 | 5 - 7 | FedEx: International Economy |
Malta | € 30,00 | 4 - 6 | GLS: Euro Business Parcel |
Mexico | € 63,00 | 5 - 7 | FedEx: International Economy |
Monaco | € 23,00 | 3 - 5 | FedEx: International Priority |
Netherlands | € 10,00 | 1 - 3 | GLS: Euro Business Parcel |
New Zealand | € 52,50 | 7 - 10 | FedEx: International Priority |
Norway | € 38,00 | 2 - 4 | FedEx: International Priority |
Oman | € 40,00 | 7 - 10 | FedEx: International Eoonomy |
Peru | € 53,00 | 4 - 8 | FedEx: International Economy |
Philippines | € 45,00 | 4 - 8 | FedEx: International Economy |
Poland | € 28,00 | 3 - 5 | GLS: Euro Business Parcel |
Portugal | € 23.00 | 4 - 6 | FedEx: Regional Economy |
Romania | € 28,00 | 4 - 6 | FedEx: International Economy |
Saudi Arabia | € 45,00 | 4 - 6 | FedEx: International Economy |
Serbia and Montenegro | € 43,00 | 2 - 4 | FedEx: International Economy |
Singapore | € 45.00 | 4 - 6 | FedEx: International Economy |
Slovakia | € 23,00 | 4 - 6 | FedEx: Regional Economy |
Slovenia | € 23,00 | 4 - 6 | FedEx: Regional Economy |
Spain | € 18,00 | 5 - 7 | FedEx: Regional Economy |
Sweden | € 23,00 | 2 - 4 | FedEx: Regional Economy |
Switzerland | € 38,00 | 2 - 4 | FedEx: International Economy |
Taiwan | € 38,00 | 5 - 7 | FedEx: International Economy |
Turkey | € 38,00 | 2 - 4 | FedEx: International Priority |
United Arab Emirates | € 200,00 | 2 - 4 | FedEx: International Priority |
United Kingdom | € 20,00 | 2 - 4 | FedEx: Regional Economy |
United States | € 40,00 | 2 - 4 | FedEx: International Priority |
Vietnam | € 45,00 | 5 - 7 | FedEx: International Economy |
Why is there a minimum order QTY
Our warehouse is tremendous.
Therefor it takes time to pick and pack each o-ring.
Given the low prices that we charge, we need to factor our warehouse time/cost in the order.
We do not want to raise our prices and we don't want to add a surcharge to each possition.
Therefor we decided that we prefer to give you more value for money by giving you more o-rings instead.
We hope you understand and appreciate this.
Stock | Delivery time |
7 | On workingdays before 12:00, shipped the same day |
76 | Shipped in 5 - 7 - Day(s) |
€55,54 Ex. VAT / per piece
€67,20 In. VAT
Price per piece
Ordered Before 12:00, shipped the same day
This product has a minimum order Qty of 1pcs
Quantity | Per piece |
1+ | €55,5372 |
2+ | €55,5408 |
3+ | €52,8960 |
5+ | €46,9452 |
10+ | €44,0822 |
25+ | €40,7762 |
50+ | €35,4866 |
100+ | €30,1970 |
In stock | Yes, 83 pcs |
Article number | 144887 |
Description 2 | O-ring FKM - FPM - Viton 480x6.99 |
Material | FKM - FPM - Viton |
Seal type | O-ring |
Alternative Size | |
DIN 3771 Size Chart Explanation | 480x6.99 |
ISO 3601 Size Chart | 480x6.99 |
Size in text | four hundred and eighty zero by six comma ninety nine |
SMS 1586 Size chart | 480x6.99 |
Core Spec's | |
Approval | None |
Color | Black |
CS (Cross Section) Explanation | 6.99 mm |
Hardness Explanation | 80 Shore A |
ID (Inner diameter) Explanation | 480 mm |
Temperature Max | 205 ºC |
Temperature Min | -20 ºC |
echnical Spec's | |
Compression Set | 22 % |
Engels: Technical Specifications | |
Specific Gravity | 1,85 g/cm3 |
Other Specs | |
Alternative names | Viton® - FKM |
Chemical Name | Fluorocarbon Rubber |
Product name | O-ring 480x6.99 FKM - FPM - Viton |
Trade names | Viton® - Du Pont - 3M - Solvay - Daikin |
Technical Specifications | |
Tensile Strength | 14,9 MPa |
Ultimate Elongation | 183 % |
attachment | Material Datasheet |
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This FKM - FPM - Viton O-Ring is 480x6.99mm and in the color Black. The Hardness of this O-ring 480x6.99 - FKM - FPM - Viton - 80 Shore A - Black - ORS144887 is 80 Shore A.The alternative names of the compound are Viton® - FKM and they are mostly produced by Viton® - Du Pont - 3M - Solvay - Daikin. The O-ring is commonly used in and has an operating temperature range from -20 ºC to 205 ºC. O-rings 164161 are indicated as 144887 and have a DIN 3771 Size of 480x6.99. This item is equal to and has an None Approval. The chemical name of this Oring is Fluorocarbon Rubber.
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All items marked with a * are required.
This product has a minimum order Qty of 1pcs
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_hjSession_* | Hotjar | 30 minutes | A cookie that holds the current session data. This ensues that subsequent requests within the session window will be attributed to the same Hotjar session. |
_hjSession_* | Hotjar | 30 minutes | A cookie that holds the current session data. This ensues that subsequent requests within the session window will be attributed to the same Hotjar session. |
_hjSession_* | Hotjar | 30 minutes | A cookie that holds the current session data. This ensues that subsequent requests within the session window will be attributed to the same Hotjar session. |
Unclassified cookies are cookies that do not belong to any other category or are in the process of categorization.
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